The Mechanism of Panopticism and Society's Resistance to the Modern Healthcare System: A Study on Reactions to Power Relations in the Medical World
Society Volume 11 Issue 1#2023
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Health Resistance;
Modern Medicine;
Power Relations

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How to Cite

Ariadi, S. (2023). The Mechanism of Panopticism and Society’s Resistance to the Modern Healthcare System: A Study on Reactions to Power Relations in the Medical World. Society, 11(1), 221-240.


Panopticism in the medical world reflects a structural dominance of power. Panopticism takes the form of medical regime authority aimed at surveillance, regulation, and discipline to frame the thoughts and actions of individuals in line with modern health standards. The issue is that panopticism doesn't always work effectively according to the desires of the medical regime. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the mechanisms of panopticism and identify the spectrum of resistance to the modern healthcare system. Using an applied method, the study found resistance in modern health practices, namely: (a) accessing modern treatment but accompanied by skepticism and criticism of modern medicine; (b) developing a pluralistic or combinative medical orientation; (c) opting out and constructing alternative discourses about the healthcare system following autonomy of will and power. Health resistance is triggered by skepticism and distrust, asymmetrical relations based on scientific authority, limited access to modern medical products, and the existence of informal networks, as well as the strong role of local social and cultural figures in directing the choices of healthcare systems for the community.

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